

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Gloria Phifer

I am joining the gals at FMF...we write for five minutes on one word...the word is ..."Moment."

I thought of moments that were significant in my life.

The birth of my brother when I was five years old...a big moment in my young life. I loved him from the beginning.

The moment when I answered the door to two strangers, who bore the news that my step dad had been accidentally electrocuted at his job.

The moments when I entered new schools almost every year. The loneliness, insecurity and wanting to fit in.

The moment, when I was a teenager, a call that told us of my uncles suicide. The sad moments following. The grief and denial.

The moments, as I struggled in the Rio Grande, drowning. I was pulled to safety, but my friend drowned. The survival guilt. The sorrow.

The moment when I sat in an empty church, all by myself, Looking for God. I could not answer the question in my mind "If I had drowned would I have gone to heaven?"

A moment in time, as a senior in high school at a dance. Suddenly an intense loneliness in the midst of a crowd. And I knew in my heart it was God spotlighting me.

The moment I met a young man, not realizing at the time, that  he would become one of biggest parts of my life as my husband.

The moment we crossed the border into Iowa, not realizing it was to be my home for over 50 yrs.

The moment my husband, who was in the air-force, leaving my side, entering an airplane. I would not see him for a year.

The moment my daughter was born...our 1st child.

The moments when I was alone, with only our daughter, realizing I needed God. 

The moment we bought a house as a young couple. Setting us up for life.

The moment I prayed and asked Jesus Christ to be my Savior. I was forever changed...through moments of prayer.

The moments when our sons were born.

I have had wonderful moments of grandchildren and now a great grandchild.

In December, I will be 75 years old...I am still living "moments." Every moment is significant. Every moment has meaning. 

In the moments I live...I want to live them in the Light of Eternity. I want to live to give glory to Christ. 

Moments....significant in all lives. Cherish the moments of your life. Look for God in them. He is there in the moment.

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