

Friday, July 15, 2016


I am joining the bloggers at FMF...the word is "create." the first thought that comes to my mind when I think of

"Create." I love to look at the is never the same. God is a great artist. 

I didn't create much until my children became older and began to build their own lives. I had a emptiness.

I began writing a lot in my journal. Many entries became analogies and with the analogies...I saw pictures in my mind. \

I remember the 1st picture I painted from the analogy I had written; I was so surprised, that what I had seen in my mind, actually appeared on the canvas. I give God all the glory.

The painting "Creation" was one of my 1st paintings.

I found that I could just be so caught up in the writings and the paintings.

I felt close to The Lord. I knew there was no way I could do this on my own.

I believe The Lord is pleased with our creativity...that it is  a gift from Him...the Great Creator.

On the first page there is another of my paintings, it is called "In His Hand"....and that's where I know my life The Creator's Hand.

Thank You Jesus.

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