

Friday, December 5, 2014


Today I am joining other writers on Lisa Baker's site...the word today is "Dear."

How do I explain what is dear to me?

My God...Jesus Christ is Dear to me.
The times when all is quiet and I feel His peace.

My husband of 51 yrs (yes, 51 WOW) is dear to me.

My three children, their spouses and our wonderful dear to me.

There are the times that only I (and the Lord) know.

The times when I sit and pray.

Write in a journal and tell Him how I feel.

Writing for a Bible Study, I lead and love, this is dear to me.

There are times no one but The Lord knows that I am struggling.

Dear moments as I pour my heart out to Him.

 When I can't find what I'm looking my search I pray and ask for His help...and He always helps me...this is dear to my heart.

The times when my children were small and in the middle of the night I heard their cry.  I held them and rocked them back to sleep...such dear memories.

The dear times with a friend, to share the joys and challenges.

When my husband comes in the door....this is dear to me.

 My rag doll  cat snuggles on my lap...or gives me a wet lick on my face...those are dear times.

My life, my relationship with Jesus, and people, are what makes
everything "Dear" to me.

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