

Sunday, December 30, 2012


I just had my 69th birthday...

  I have doing alot of pondering.  Time moves so fast as you grow older.

As a child I could hardly wait to be 12.  When I was 12, I wanted to be 18. At 18, I wanted to be 21.

The years, in my memory, have flown by.  So many major events.  Marriage at 19.  Our first child Terrie  was born when I was  21.
                                   I accepted Christ at 22 years old.

Timothy, our son was born in 1968.  Thirteen months later, in 1969, Theodore was born.

  I have lived through a time when electronics  exploded.  When I was ten yrs old ( 1953) our family bought our 1st television (black and white).( Before that we listened to the console radio.)

In 1966 our neighbor bought a "colored" television and invited my husband, daughter and I to watch the New Years Parade.

We eventually bought a colored TV. I remember watching the Vietnam war and praying.  The young people in California strung out on drugs...More prayer.  I saw the "Hippies" coming to Christ..."Jesus Freaks" they were called.  They had found the "True High".

  In 1973 I was privleged to be a part of the great Charismatic movement in this country.  The Book of John was handed out to every home in the country.  We had Bible studies spring up.  My Catholic , Lutheran, Presbyterian and Baptist friends were set on fire by the Holy Spirit. We saw healings and miracles.

I have had the privelege of praying with my family of origion to accept mother, Deryl, my stepdad and brother.  I have seen the Lord deliver my parents from alcohol and drugs. I have seen the tenderness the Lord can bring to hearts.

I have seen my husband and children accept Christ.  Most of our grandchildren have told me they have received Jesus. What great joy!!! 

I do not have time to tell you of what all I have seen. I do want you to know that Jesus Christ has made all the difference in my life.

I thank God for 69 years.  I know I have eternal life in Jesus...and that is what is worth it all...and eternity cannot be counted in years is forever!!!

Let your light shine, in every year you are in. You have come to this earth for such a time as this.

(On a side note...we now have a number of colored televisions. Two computers...two cell phones and one I pad...I think we're really with it...of course my grandchildren still step in and show me new things. But yay...we're in the electronic age!)

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