

Friday, September 1, 2017


Gloria Phifer


Our subject for this week with FMF is "Neighbor."

One of my greatest blessings began two years ago.

My neighbor, who is from Ireland, accepted Jesus as her Savior.

She truly grew over night. When she shared her experience with me I was so delighted. 

She dug into The Word. God gave her wonderful wisdom. It was a wonderful time of sharing. 

How wonderful to watch what The Lord can do in someones life.

My neighbor told me, that before this, she had been an atheist. God pursued her. And He revealed Jesus to her.

Seeing this wonderful miracle has been such an inspirational experience for me.

Thank You Lord for my neighbor and letting me see Your wonderful work in my friend.

I noticed I used a lot of "wonderfuls" in this writing...but that is the 
word that comes to mind.

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