I am joining Lisa Bakers Friday morning blog..the word for the day is "belonging."
This word struck a cord in my heart. Moving on the average of once a year...l struggled to "belong."
Fourteen different schools. Four high schools. I would just begin to put down roots into "belonging,"
when I was uprooted and had to begin again.
I struggled with even "belonging" in my own family. My mother let me know that she was not
happy about having a baby at 18 years old. When I was a teenager I heard her tell my grandmother
that I had ruined her life.
Even into adult hood I found myself wanting to please her...to know
that she really loved me.
I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was 22 yrs old. The Holy Spirit began a work in me
that continues to this day. Who I am In Christ.
I was not a mistake. He knew me before I was born. (Ps 139.) actually from the
foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4.). I belong to Him. He knew who I was and had
a purpose for my life even before I was born.
He longed for me to "belong" to Him. It is just so awesome and has become real in my life.
Do you long to "belong?" I know Someone Who wants you to "belong to Him." His Name is Jesus
Christ. He is as close as the mention of His Name. He loves you. You will find Someone Who really
will make you "Belong in His family, as His child." I know, I found "belonging" in Him.
Thank You Lord Jesus, bless Your Holy Name.
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