

Friday, June 29, 2012

Watercolor...Our sins nailed to the Gloria Phifer

Our sins nailed to the cross
watercolor by Gloria Phifer
Colossians 2:14.

He took all of your sins on Himself so you could have His righteousness. 2 Corinthians 5:21
He blotted out your sins...receive Him as your Savior. When He stretched His hands out on
the cross He was saying "I love  you this much."
"Jesus, I accept the sacrifice You paid for me...I accept You as my Savior.
Come into my life"

Beloved, He will come into your life. He will be your Savior, your Protector, your Provider and your Best Friend.
He will fill that empty place with His love.

1 comment:

Gloria Phifer said...

Thanks Steve...I already follow your are welcome to follow mine